The 2.6.10 Spring Update of Report Builder for ArcGIS mainly focusses on a few improvements to the Web Map widget while also addressing a small number of issues related to infographics and some further enhancements and bug fixes.
New functionality for Web Map widgets
A new setting called Layer attribute filters in the Clipping & Filtering setting group allows report creators to define attribute filters for target layers in a web map.
For example, in the below image the ‘USA Counties’ and ‘USA Major Cities’ layers have been filtered to only show those featured that belong to the currently selected report feature (based on US States). Both layers each have an attribute indicating which state they fall into which is used to build the attribute filter.
Please note that the Visible layers in the Map settings group need to be filled with the correct layer names or IDs for the layer attribute filters to work.
Further information on how to set up the filter can be found on this help page.
Further enhancements
- Some settings within the Web Map widget settings panel were rearranged for better clarity.
- Improvements to report navigation (e.g. using a map widget click to navigate in a non-public report now will not ask you to sign in again)
- Changes to alt text and aria-label to improve accessibility.
Key bug fixes
Visible layers in Web Map widgets
We fixed an inconsistent behaviour around visible layers in Web Map widgets: If your active layer is now NOT mentioned in the Visible layers setting in the Map settings group, then it won’t be showing in the map. Previously the active layer showed even if it was not specifically included in the visible layers list.
Important: This means that you should check any web map widgets in your reports to ensure the active layer is still visible (if required) and if not, include it in the Visible layers setting.
Further bug fixes
- Infographics: The icon fill now respect number format of the widget meaning the are no longer differences between the icon fill and displayed values due to rounding.
- Infographics: The icon fill is now more accurate as it now ignores any icon padding. Icon margin has been removed from the widget setting as the same can be achieved through Icon padding.
- An issue causing an ‘Access denied’ message to appear on the Report Builder home page has been resolved.
- The Zoom to active feature function for map widget no longer fails for points in a different coordinate system.
- Fields of type Date can now be used in text widgets and no longer return an empty string.
- Related records widget is now able to show image attachments.