This page lists settings found in the Data & Settings window that are generic to multiple widget types. If you cannot find the setting you are looking for, it may be specific to a certain widget type. In which case you will find it on the help page for that widget.
Set a specific width for your widget in pixels.
Set a specific width for your widget in pixels.
Anchor your widget to the left or right of the page. This is useful if you wish to arrange widgets side-by-side on the report page.
Set margins for your widget – from left to right the boxes are for the top, right, bottom and left margins.
Show comparison features
If your data contains comparison features, use this toggle to show/hide them.
Type the name of the font you would like to use for axis text into the box.
Font size
Type into the box or use the arrows to set the font size for axis text.
X axis label format
Choose a label format for the X axis. Refer to the Variables page for information on the possible values.
X axis title
Type a title that will be displayed for the X axis.
Y axis label format
Choose a number format for the Y axis. Refer to the Number Formats page for more information.
Y axis title
Type a title that will be displayed on the Y axis e.g. ‘Percentage’ or ‘Rate per 1000’
Choose whether the chart series will use features or indicators. For a bar chart for example, if you would like the bars in the chart to represent different indicators for the same area choose features-as-series. If you would like the bars in the chart to represent different areas for the same indicator, choose indicators-as-series.
Series label
Choose a label format for your series. Refer to the Variables page for information on the possible values.
Sort features by name
Choose whether or not to sort features by name.
Colors & Highlights
Choose a color palette for the widget. You can edit the active palette by clicking the x buttons to remove colors or the + button to add colors. There are also buttons to change to a different palette completely, to copy/paste color codes to/from the clipboard and to toggle the direct edit view that allows you to type in color codes delimited by spaces or commas e.g. #a6cee3 #b2df8a #fb9a99 #fdbf6f #cab2d6 #ffff99 #1f78b4 #33a02c #e31a1c #ff7f00.
Chart background color
Choose a background color for the chart.
Highlight selected feature
Choose whether you would like the widget to highlight the selected feature.
Highlight color
Choose a highlight color for the selected feature. This setting will be greyed out if Highlight selected feature is false.
Show legend
Choose whether the widget should show a legend or not.
Choose the position the legend will display in within the widget.
Font family
Choose the font family for text in the legend.
Font size
Choose a font size for text in the legend.
Text color
Choose a color for text in the legend.
Reverse order
Choose whether to show legend items in normal or reverse order.
Numbers & Values
Number format
Choose a number format for the widget. Refer to the Variables page for information on the possible values.
No data label
Choose a value to display when there is no data value to display for a feature.
Text & Labels
Indicator label style
Choose whether to show the full or short name for an indicator. This applies for indicators belonging to an InstantAtlas Data Catalog.
Choose a title for the widget.
Title position
Choose a position for the title of the widget. This setting will be greyed out if there is no title.
Title alignment
Choose an alignment for the title of the widget.
Title Background Color
Choose a background color for the bar where the widget title is displayed.
Title text color
Choose a text color for the title of the widget.
Title padding
Set the padding in pixels for the title of the widget.
Title font size
Set the font size in pixels for the title of the widget.
Title text bold
Choose whether the title text is bold or not.
Type a description for the widget into the box. This text will display at the foot of the widget.
Alternate text
Optionally, replace the default value provided for the alternative text for the widget in the box. This text will be used when the widget cannot be viewed e.g. by assistive technologies.
Indicator aliases
Click this button to set aliases for the indicators selected in the Data tab.
Border style
Choose a border style for your widget.
Border color
Choose a color for the border for your widget. This setting will be greyed out if Border style is set to ‘none’.
Border width
Choose a width for the border for your widget. This setting will be greyed out if Border style is set to ‘none’.
Border radius
Choose a radius for the border for your widget. The higher the radius value, the more rounded the border at the corners of your widget.
Include all areas
Use this toggle to choose whether the widget should show all features in the web map or not.
Show when empty
Use this toggle to choose whether the widget should show if it is empty.
Allow chart export
Use this toggle to choose whether a table icon will show at the bottom of the chart for end-users to export the data.