The Pages menu provides access to options that apply to either all pages or just the current page.


There are various pre-defined options available under Size. There is also an option for defining a custom size. When choosing a size you should take into account the information on the Views and Responsive Settings page.


There are various pre-defined options available under Margins. These will add margins to the report pages of the size specified in pixels. There is also an option for defining custom margins so that you can set each margin independently. If you wish to add margins, it is preferable to do this before you start designing your report. If you change your margins later on, you may need to adjust the width or layout of the widgets in your report.


The Display menu provides options for making additional changes to the appearance and navigation of the report pages. These options are grouped under different headings.

Appearance & Layout

  • Border – choose a border setting for the pages in the report


  • Display – choose whether the report will display as flowing or paged report
  • Buttons – choose whether a navigation bar and/or previous/next page arrows will be displayed when the report is viewed


The Edit page order window allows you to change the order of pages in your report and to delete unwanted pages. Click the arrow buttons to move pages or the Delete button to remove a page. Then click the Save button.

New page

The New page option will add a new page to your report. To switch between the pages of your report use the navigation toolbar located at the bottom of the report.

Current page

The options in this menu apply to the current page only (the one selected in the editor page).


These options allow you to change properties such as the border and background of the current page.


This option will clone the currently selected page.  The cloned page will be added immediately after the current page.

Import or link

Pages can be imported from or linked to other reports in your organization. Please see Page Linking and Importing for more information.


This option will delete the current page. There is no confirmation required. A deleted page can be restored using the Restore option in the Report Builder editor main menu.

Index Page

This option allows you to change layout and content of the index page.

  • Layout – choose whether the report index page should show a map, a list of features, or both
  • Show description – choose whether the report index page should display the report description. The description can be added under Report > Settings.