The Ellipsis button located in the Report Builder top panel provides access to your preferences for the editor.
- Show design grid – choose whether or not you want to see a grid that enables easier alignment of widgets. This grid is only visible in the editor.
- Show widget boundaries – choose whether or not you want to see light dotted lines to show the boundary of each widget.
- Double-click text widgets to edit – choose whether or not you should be able to start editing a text widget by double-clicking on it. If you find that the double-click is causing you to accidentally press other buttons in the text editor toolbar, you have the option to disable the double-click function here.
- Auto-save text changes – choose whether or not text changes should be saved automatically when clicking outside the editor.
- Save thumbnail with report – choose whether a thumbnail of the report will be generated when you click the Save button. Thumbnails are saved in ArcGIS Online and are displayed on the item details page. In Report Builder, they are displayed on the home page. Saving a thumbnail increases the time taken to complete the save action.
- Small text size – choose whether the text of the editor should appear smaller than the default to save some space. Note this does not impact the font size of text within your report.