The advanced tab allows you to fine-tune some of the properties of your report. Be careful with these settings! If you have any doubts about what they do, please contact
By default, Report Builder only allows you to view (or edit) your report for one feature at a time. If you are using data from the InstantAtlas Data Store and need to show aggregated statistics/data for more than one area, you can turn on multi-feature, which allows a report to be produced for more than one feature. This has important implications for how you use widgets and on the data sources you use and is discussed in more detail in another help page.
Data Caching
By default, Report Builder attempts to optimise the speed of reports by keeping a small temporary cache of data in-memory on the server. Normally you should leave this setting at the default, Time-enabled Caching. If, however, you have data that is changing frequently you may wish to choose one of the other options, detailed below. This setting only applies to data held in ArcGIS map or feature services – CSV data always uses the default, Time-enabled Caching. Note also that Report Builder never stores your data on disk, it only holds this cache in-memory to help with performance.
- Time-enabled Caching. Report Builder will hold a local cache of report data for 2 hours. Note that each request for a report (i.e. /report/view/<report-id>/<feature-id>) will reset the timer, so popular reports will keep data cached for longer. This helps to optimise the speed of reports.
- Change-sensitive Caching. This option instructs Report Builder to check the last edit date of the underlying map or feature services to ensure that the data cache is refreshed if the service(s) has been updated. This has a small performance impact (because more requests are being made back to the data service(s)) but does mean that reports will always be “up to date”.
- No Caching. This option instructs Report Builder to bypass any local cache of data and always (re)fetch data from the source services. This means that the speed of the reports will always depend on how fast the data comes back from the map or feature services. This option is only recommended for “truly live” data.
Tip: you can add ?force=1 to the end of the report URL in order to bypass all caches in view mode. For example:
Date Format
This controls how dates are shown in the report. A full list of formats is available on MSDN. Typical values are yyyy (year, e.g. 2018), MM (month, e.g. 03), MMM (month, e.g. Mar) and dd (day, e.g. 09).
Delete Protection
Turn this on to prevent your report from being accidentally deleted on ArcGIS Online.
Turn this on to allow other people to take a copy of your report and save it into their own ArcGIS Online account (note that this does not copy data, only the report design).